Bloomingdale Elementary School
Attendance & Bell Times
2024 - 2025 Bell Times
Student arrival: 8:15am
Breakfast: 8:15 - 8:40am
School Starts: 8:40am
School Ends: 3:40pm (students are late dismissal at 4:00pm).
Attendance Matters!
- Good attendance makes a difference in a child's learning, especially in these early elementary years.
- Parents are allowed 5 parent excuses per year. Always send in your child's excuses, doctor notes, etc.
- Students are considered truant when they have more than ten (10) unexcused absences.
- It is important for students to also arrive to school on time and stay for the entire day!
- The goal is for students to miss no more than 7 days per year if they are enrolled for the entire 180 days of school. This means they will have been present more than 96% of days enrolled. Absent 91% - 95% of days enrolled is cause for concern. If a child misses more than 10% of days enrolled, this begins to negatively impact them academically.