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Testing & Assessments

Students take a number of summative and formative assessments to measure learning throughout the year. Here is a list of some of the assessments that each grade level will take this year. 

Pre-Kindergarten: Work Sampling Online Checklists, Narratives, and Conferences

Kindergarten: GKIDS, iReady, AMIRA

First & Second Grades: iReady, AMIRA, DRC Beacon

Third Grade: iReady, AMIRA, DRC Beacon, GMAS (ELA and Math)

Fourth Grade: iReady, DRC Beacon, GMAS (ELA and Math)

Fifth Grade: iReady, AMIRA, DRC Beacon, GMAS (ELA, Math, and Science)

Updates will be made as they become available. An assessment calendar will be published later this summer.